Thursday, May 21, 2009
Friday, May 15, 2009
Another Boston sweep
Except this time, we were the fuckin victims. Wow, last night was horrible. Let's start off with the Sox. They stranded 24783473827423 baserunners and lost in 12 innings. By the way, Big Papi went 0-7 with 12 men left on base. I just threw up in my mouth.
The Celtics squandered multiple chances to pull away after building a 9 point lead. I guess it didn't help that Ray Allen had something like 5 points and was 0-6 from 3 point land.
And then the Bruins fight back in the 3rd period to tie the score, go into overtime, and then lose on a goal by SCOTT FUCKIN WALKER. He just so happens to be the same guy who sucker punched Aaron Ward in Game 5. That's just cruel.

However, there is some silver lining here. The Red Sox are still in second place and we have 127 games left to be played. The Celtics will be playing Game 7 at home in the Garden and guess who will be there? Yup, me. Thanks.
As for the Bruins, what was such a promising season screeched to a halt. The hockey gods are definitely punishing Jeremy Jacobs (the owner) for being such a douche bag for the last few decades. I'm pretty disappointed though, since I'm a big hockey fan, but I guess there's always next year...
In other news, I just bought a new scent of Febreze, called Linen & Sky. So I'm sitting there taking a dump this morning, and obviously it smells disgusting, so I decide to spray my Febreze. Within seconds, it smelled like a fresh load of laundry had just been done. It was fantastic.

However, I do have one big reservation about this. From now on, everytime I do the laundry it's going to remind me of big dumps. I'm not sure if this is a good thing or a bad thing, but I just thought I'd mention this. I mean, granted, my site is called BRAIN DUMP and I like to talk about shit (literally and figuratively), but this could be a problem. Laundry now equals "poop".
I just hope they don't make hamburger scented toilet paper...
The Celtics squandered multiple chances to pull away after building a 9 point lead. I guess it didn't help that Ray Allen had something like 5 points and was 0-6 from 3 point land.
And then the Bruins fight back in the 3rd period to tie the score, go into overtime, and then lose on a goal by SCOTT FUCKIN WALKER. He just so happens to be the same guy who sucker punched Aaron Ward in Game 5. That's just cruel.

However, there is some silver lining here. The Red Sox are still in second place and we have 127 games left to be played. The Celtics will be playing Game 7 at home in the Garden and guess who will be there? Yup, me. Thanks.
As for the Bruins, what was such a promising season screeched to a halt. The hockey gods are definitely punishing Jeremy Jacobs (the owner) for being such a douche bag for the last few decades. I'm pretty disappointed though, since I'm a big hockey fan, but I guess there's always next year...
In other news, I just bought a new scent of Febreze, called Linen & Sky. So I'm sitting there taking a dump this morning, and obviously it smells disgusting, so I decide to spray my Febreze. Within seconds, it smelled like a fresh load of laundry had just been done. It was fantastic.
However, I do have one big reservation about this. From now on, everytime I do the laundry it's going to remind me of big dumps. I'm not sure if this is a good thing or a bad thing, but I just thought I'd mention this. I mean, granted, my site is called BRAIN DUMP and I like to talk about shit (literally and figuratively), but this could be a problem. Laundry now equals "poop".
I just hope they don't make hamburger scented toilet paper...
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Big night tonight
Looks like we gotta another Boston threesome: Sox, Celtics, Bruins
I have a softball game after work at 6:15PM but I should be done around 8 and ready to rock and roll for the Bruins/Celtics. What is everyone doing for the game? I wanna get blasted tonight. Leave a comment. HOLLA.
- Sox game: 335PM (final of the 3 game series)
- Celtics game: 7PM (game 6, possible series clincher)
- Bruins game: 8PM (game 7, win or go home baby)
I have a softball game after work at 6:15PM but I should be done around 8 and ready to rock and roll for the Bruins/Celtics. What is everyone doing for the game? I wanna get blasted tonight. Leave a comment. HOLLA.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Boston sports overload!!!!!!! (take 2)
Monday, May 11, 2009
Boston sports overload!!!!!!!
Another day, another Boston sports sweep. Does anybody ever get tired of this? I sure as hell don't. We started off with the Bruins completely dominating the Whalers. Granted, we're still down 3-2 in the series and we've never come back from 3-1 EVER, but I like our chances. The only thing that sucked was the sucker punch that Aaron Ward received from Scott Walker (automatically suspended) that basically broke his face. Apparently, he broke an orbital bone or something. We'll see if he's good to go for Game 6. If we take Game 6 in Carolina, it's over. They ain't beating us on home ice for a Game 7.
The Bruins game was followed by a ridiculous ending to the Celtics game. I'd like to give a more in-depth review of all of these games, but
- They were all being played at essentially the same time
- I was in a bar drinking with my softball team so there were plenty of distractions
As for the Sox game, I barely watched any of it because I was too busy watching the Bruins/Celts. However, I was able to make it home in time to catch the end of the game. Papelbon had gotten into a jam and there were men on 1st and 3rd with no outs when I got home. On a full count he strikes out Carlos Pena (Barlett stealing 2nd on the play. So 1 out now, men on 2nd and 3rd, and Papelbon strikes out BJ Upton for the second out. Up steps Red Sox killer Carl Crawford. Papelbon somehow struck him out to end the game and get out of a HUGE jam. The reason why I said that Papelbon "somehow" struck him out is because it amazes me that he can throw the same pitch 30 times in a row and people can't hit it. I don't think he threw anything other than a fastball the entire inning. And like I mentioned in a previous post, he's been doing this all year. But hey, if it keeps working I'll take it...
Lineup for this week:
- Bruins game 6: Tuesday at 7PM
- Celtics game 5: Tuesday at 8PM
- Bruins game 7: Thursday (if necessary, game time TBD)
- Celtics game 6: Thursday at 7PM
- Red Sox: 3 game set with the Angels starting tomorrow, followed by 3 game set against the Mariners.
Friday, May 8, 2009
Details for Freddy Fung's Wake
Freddy's wake will be held at:
J.S. Waterman & Sons Funeral Home
580 Commercial Street
Boston, MA 02109
View Larger Map
Anyone who knew Freddy, or just wants to pay some respects, is welcomed to attend.
The wake services will start at 2pm and will run until 6pm I believe.
J.S. Waterman & Sons Funeral Home
580 Commercial Street
Boston, MA 02109
View Larger Map
Anyone who knew Freddy, or just wants to pay some respects, is welcomed to attend.
The wake services will start at 2pm and will run until 6pm I believe.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
R.I.P. Freddy Fung
Sometimes you need a reality check...
I got a call from Steve-O yesterday around 10am alerting me to the fact that our friend Freddy was about to die of cancer. Naturally, I was surprised even though I knew that Freddy had been battling this disease for at least a few years now. From everything I had heard, his treatment was going pretty well. As usual, there were some good days and there were some bad days, but nothing seemed to indicate that his death could be so sudden.
Some background information: Freddy was one of the first people I met in college at Bentley. Not only did he live next door to me, but he also knew some of the same people who I go to church with in Chinatown. So with this common ground, of course I started joking around with him whenever I could, just to get a laugh out of him. In case you don't know, this is what I do. The reason I did this was because I wanted him to feel like he was welcome. There were a lot of jokes he probably didn't understand and that was because of Freddy's limited ability to speak and fully comprehend the English language. He wasn't that good at it because he was a Chinese person born and raised in the Dominican Republic, with only a few English lessons. So essentially, he was trilingual (fluent Chinese, fluent Spanish, broken English). But boy was he a quick learner. By the end of the first semester, I think he knew better English than I did. See, the thing with Freddy is, he was always trying to better himself and wasn't spending time working on his image and trying to get people to like him. People just liked him for the way he was. Being the immature guy that I was, I would always try to pull pranks on him just to see how riled up he would get, but he'd never get mad at me. He always had the "aww shucks, you got me again" look whenever I did something stupid, like temporarily steal his computer or something like that. Like I said earlier, he was a quick learner because, before I knew it, he started pulling pranks back on me. However, nothing will ever beat the time that we took a picture of me in which it looked like my ass was touching his pillow and we emailed it to him. For the record, my ass didn't touch the pillow, it was just the angle. Freddy saw the picture and I think that may have been the only time I've ever seen him slightly mad. But once we told him that there was no ass to pillow contact, he was okay with it. I guess the point I'm trying to make is that Freddy was just a good guy all around. He worked hard, easily made friends, had a good sense of humor, was very religious, and loved his family. I'm proud to be able to call him my friend...
We went to Mass General Hospital around 11ish and met up with a bunch of Freddy's friends (some from our Bentley graduating class, some from his other walks of life) as well as his family members. It was a pretty tough scene. Apparently, Freddy was checked into the hospital over the weekend and things took a turn for the worst on Monday. There was a lot of crying, a lot of disbelief and just a lot of general head shaking. Freddy was 27 years old and was about to die from cancer. There's something wrong with this picture.
We waited quietly for hours just to be able to see him, as there were medical procedures and family issues that needed to be addressed first and foremost. At around 2pm, we were allowed to go to his room. We were told that Freddy was having trouble breathing and could barely speak. You know, it's pretty tough when you see someone in a hospital bed fighting to live. Freddy was conscious enough to acknowledge the fact that we were all there by waving his hands to us. What happened next is something that I'll never forget. Freddy then mustered the strength to speak to us. He thanked us for being his friends, told us he loved us, and told us goodbye. I can't even imagine how much pain he was in just getting those words out. It's at that moment that you realize how precious life is and forget about all the petty differences and issues that you have going on in your own personal life.
We left the room, went back to the waiting area where people were consoling each other and kind of dealing with things in their own personal way. According to what I heard, he was only given about 24 hours to live as of Monday at 5:30PM. Those 24 hours passed and Freddy was still resting in his bed. Another hour passed and it was almost time for the Red Sox/Yankees game to start. I only mention this because Freddy was a huge Red Sox fan and I'm sure it made him happy to see the Red Sox doing well thus far into the season. Four hours later, the Red Sox had just beaten the Yankees and Freddy was still fighting for his life. We all went to visit him in his room at around 11:30PM, and at that time, we were told that it was time to say our final goodbyes. One by one, we sat by his bedside, said a few words and made our way back to the waiting room. By 1AM, people were getting really tired. Freddy was still fighting so everyone figured they'd go home and maybe come back the following morning to check up on him.
Fifteen minutes after we left the hospital, Freddy passed away. It was about 1:30AM when we got the call. It really hits you when it finally happens because then you start thinking about all of the good times you had with that person, all of the times you could've spent with that person but decided to do something else, and you start questioning why this had to happen. I remember that last time I saw Freddy was last June at Steve-O's housewarming party. He was so full of life and I remember talking to him for a few minutes. You couldn't even tell he was afflicted with cancer or any other ailments and I think he was going through chemo at the time. But that's the thing. He had a strong will and a good soul, so you can take away his body and you can stop his heart, but he'll still be with us in one way or another.
Here's to you Freddy, may you rest in peace, may you look down upon us and may your memories stay in our hearts forever.
Freddy Fung: September 29, 1981 - May 6, 2009
I got a call from Steve-O yesterday around 10am alerting me to the fact that our friend Freddy was about to die of cancer. Naturally, I was surprised even though I knew that Freddy had been battling this disease for at least a few years now. From everything I had heard, his treatment was going pretty well. As usual, there were some good days and there were some bad days, but nothing seemed to indicate that his death could be so sudden.
Some background information: Freddy was one of the first people I met in college at Bentley. Not only did he live next door to me, but he also knew some of the same people who I go to church with in Chinatown. So with this common ground, of course I started joking around with him whenever I could, just to get a laugh out of him. In case you don't know, this is what I do. The reason I did this was because I wanted him to feel like he was welcome. There were a lot of jokes he probably didn't understand and that was because of Freddy's limited ability to speak and fully comprehend the English language. He wasn't that good at it because he was a Chinese person born and raised in the Dominican Republic, with only a few English lessons. So essentially, he was trilingual (fluent Chinese, fluent Spanish, broken English). But boy was he a quick learner. By the end of the first semester, I think he knew better English than I did. See, the thing with Freddy is, he was always trying to better himself and wasn't spending time working on his image and trying to get people to like him. People just liked him for the way he was. Being the immature guy that I was, I would always try to pull pranks on him just to see how riled up he would get, but he'd never get mad at me. He always had the "aww shucks, you got me again" look whenever I did something stupid, like temporarily steal his computer or something like that. Like I said earlier, he was a quick learner because, before I knew it, he started pulling pranks back on me. However, nothing will ever beat the time that we took a picture of me in which it looked like my ass was touching his pillow and we emailed it to him. For the record, my ass didn't touch the pillow, it was just the angle. Freddy saw the picture and I think that may have been the only time I've ever seen him slightly mad. But once we told him that there was no ass to pillow contact, he was okay with it. I guess the point I'm trying to make is that Freddy was just a good guy all around. He worked hard, easily made friends, had a good sense of humor, was very religious, and loved his family. I'm proud to be able to call him my friend...
We went to Mass General Hospital around 11ish and met up with a bunch of Freddy's friends (some from our Bentley graduating class, some from his other walks of life) as well as his family members. It was a pretty tough scene. Apparently, Freddy was checked into the hospital over the weekend and things took a turn for the worst on Monday. There was a lot of crying, a lot of disbelief and just a lot of general head shaking. Freddy was 27 years old and was about to die from cancer. There's something wrong with this picture.
We waited quietly for hours just to be able to see him, as there were medical procedures and family issues that needed to be addressed first and foremost. At around 2pm, we were allowed to go to his room. We were told that Freddy was having trouble breathing and could barely speak. You know, it's pretty tough when you see someone in a hospital bed fighting to live. Freddy was conscious enough to acknowledge the fact that we were all there by waving his hands to us. What happened next is something that I'll never forget. Freddy then mustered the strength to speak to us. He thanked us for being his friends, told us he loved us, and told us goodbye. I can't even imagine how much pain he was in just getting those words out. It's at that moment that you realize how precious life is and forget about all the petty differences and issues that you have going on in your own personal life.
We left the room, went back to the waiting area where people were consoling each other and kind of dealing with things in their own personal way. According to what I heard, he was only given about 24 hours to live as of Monday at 5:30PM. Those 24 hours passed and Freddy was still resting in his bed. Another hour passed and it was almost time for the Red Sox/Yankees game to start. I only mention this because Freddy was a huge Red Sox fan and I'm sure it made him happy to see the Red Sox doing well thus far into the season. Four hours later, the Red Sox had just beaten the Yankees and Freddy was still fighting for his life. We all went to visit him in his room at around 11:30PM, and at that time, we were told that it was time to say our final goodbyes. One by one, we sat by his bedside, said a few words and made our way back to the waiting room. By 1AM, people were getting really tired. Freddy was still fighting so everyone figured they'd go home and maybe come back the following morning to check up on him.
Fifteen minutes after we left the hospital, Freddy passed away. It was about 1:30AM when we got the call. It really hits you when it finally happens because then you start thinking about all of the good times you had with that person, all of the times you could've spent with that person but decided to do something else, and you start questioning why this had to happen. I remember that last time I saw Freddy was last June at Steve-O's housewarming party. He was so full of life and I remember talking to him for a few minutes. You couldn't even tell he was afflicted with cancer or any other ailments and I think he was going through chemo at the time. But that's the thing. He had a strong will and a good soul, so you can take away his body and you can stop his heart, but he'll still be with us in one way or another.
Here's to you Freddy, may you rest in peace, may you look down upon us and may your memories stay in our hearts forever.
Freddy Fung: September 29, 1981 - May 6, 2009
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