The Celtics squandered multiple chances to pull away after building a 9 point lead. I guess it didn't help that Ray Allen had something like 5 points and was 0-6 from 3 point land.
And then the Bruins fight back in the 3rd period to tie the score, go into overtime, and then lose on a goal by SCOTT FUCKIN WALKER. He just so happens to be the same guy who sucker punched Aaron Ward in Game 5. That's just cruel.

However, there is some silver lining here. The Red Sox are still in second place and we have 127 games left to be played. The Celtics will be playing Game 7 at home in the Garden and guess who will be there? Yup, me. Thanks.
As for the Bruins, what was such a promising season screeched to a halt. The hockey gods are definitely punishing Jeremy Jacobs (the owner) for being such a douche bag for the last few decades. I'm pretty disappointed though, since I'm a big hockey fan, but I guess there's always next year...
In other news, I just bought a new scent of Febreze, called Linen & Sky. So I'm sitting there taking a dump this morning, and obviously it smells disgusting, so I decide to spray my Febreze. Within seconds, it smelled like a fresh load of laundry had just been done. It was fantastic.
However, I do have one big reservation about this. From now on, everytime I do the laundry it's going to remind me of big dumps. I'm not sure if this is a good thing or a bad thing, but I just thought I'd mention this. I mean, granted, my site is called BRAIN DUMP and I like to talk about shit (literally and figuratively), but this could be a problem. Laundry now equals "poop".
I just hope they don't make hamburger scented toilet paper...
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