Monday, September 28, 2009

Sometimes I crack myself up

Snippet of a chat I had with a friend a few minutes ago:

2:53 PM Friend: i just found out (college name redacted) owes me $350
me: for what
Friend: the (state name redacted) treasury collected it
i have no idea why
2:54 PM some kinda refund
back in 2004
don't even know whether it had to do with grad school or something
it would've been awesome if they said that i had $100k waiting for me

7 minutes
3:02 PM me: yeah ok
3:03 PM it was probably the "guaranteed to get laid in college" $350 down payment that u submitted prior to freshman year
Friend: hahahaha
me: typically they don't have to refund people, but your's was a special case

7 minutes
3:10 PM Friend: yea... FML
3:11 PM what i should do is
take that $350
and buy myself a lay
3:12 PM me: lol

This is my life...

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