Apparently, Kobe Bryant jerseys are the #1 selling NBA jerseys. Kevin Garnett is #2. This doesn't surprise me because everyone who bought a Kevin Garnett jersey also bought a Kobe Bryant jersey so they could wipe their asses with it or burn it. Seriously, the only people outside of California that are purchasing Kobe Bryant jerseys gotta be doing it as some sort of joke, right? I can see people from Denver buying them just so they can have an excuse when they rape someone. I've already discussed why the Boston fan faithful would do it.
I mean, c'mon now. This guy clearly raped that girl in Denver while he was "rehabbing" and somehow he got away with it. It appears that the same "guy" that killed OJ's wife was also the same "guy" who raped that girl in Denver. Yup, you heard it here first. Kobe Bryant killed Nicole Brown Simpson. What's worse than the fact that he got away with rape is the fact that his bimbo wife forgave him after he bought her a $4 million ring to patch things up. What a stupid fuckin materialistic whorebag she is and she ought to be ashamed of herself.
Let's move on to another topic: obesity in America. What the fuck is going on here? How are there so many damn fat people in this country? Do people not understand portion control, exercise, or the ability to not look disgusting? It's completely out of hand. I'm kind of glad that we're in a recession now so that all the fat asses in this world are forced to think twice about how much they will consume. Hey, guess what? If you don't eat as much, it won't cost as much. This isn't rocket science. Stop being fat. It all stems from laziness. And don't come at me with the "it's in some people's genes to be this way" line. That's a load of crap. Anyone has the ability to keep their body looking presentable. It just takes a little hard work and some discipline.

Moral of the story: obese people suck. They get in the way of everything and everybody. I'm proposing that we have a NATIONWIDE "Biggest Loser" contest, and whoever is still obese when the competition ends will be executed.
Hey, I am all for obese people, it makes me look that much better!
my value meals are some of the cheapest meals available. you can even add 4 mcnuggets for a buck!
It wasn't me.
I'm hungry.
she was asking for it
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