Anyway, I just had a pretty solid weekend. Friday consisted of me going to work, going to the gym, eating dinner, and then going to sleep at around 10:30PM. Damn that was exciting. Well good thing I did that because Saturday was a complete shit show.
I woke up around 7AM Saturday morning, watched TV for a little bit, then headed over to big Ed Silva's place to pick him up for a round of golf. We ended up playing at the 9-hole Lakeview golf course in Wenham with Lucia and his friend Kirk. The conditions were pretty horrible due to the rain the night before. Started off my day by shooting an 8 on the par 4 first hole, which was then followed by a 7 on the par 3 second hole. Nice start, 8 over par after 2 holes. However, I was able to settle down and had a 5-hole run of bogey, bogey, par, par, bogey. I ended up shooting a 46 which was 15 over par, but not too bad considering I was 8 over par after the first 2 holes. So essentially, I played bogey golf for the remaining 7.
After golfing, I dropped off Ed and Lucia and headed back to Boston to shower and grab some lunch with Steve-O. We went to Jacob Wirth on Kneeland Street for some outdoor eats and had some fruitbag drinks. I think Steve-O had a couple Mai Tais and I had something called the Malibu Rum Runner (insert gay jokes here). The good thing about eating outside is that you can check out chicks as they walk by while eating your meal. I guess this is why people eat on Newbury Street.
Once we had a decent buzz going, we then headed over to my hometown of Stoneham for some horseshoes and baggo (cornhole, sac blaster, teabag, whatever you want to call it). The occasion was for pregame festivities since a bunch of people were going to the Dave Matthews Band concert at Fenway Park that evening. Naturally, everyone was getting blasted the entire time so it made the afternoon even more enjoyable. Thanks Prev for having us over.
After four hours of playing horseshoes and baggo, everyone bounced their separate ways, some to the concert, some to other parties, etc. Me and Steve-O went to eat subs since we had the drunken munchies. I got back home around 7:30, just in time for my roommate and his friend to start drinking for the evening. And of course, I continued drinking. Once they left, I was pumped because I could just pass out and call it a night.
That was until I remembered that Big Wil was coming by to pregame since I agreed to go to the club with him, Anne and Kevin. Next thing I know, they walk into my place with beer, hard liquor, and mixers. By this point, I'm so tired that I need a jumpstart. So I have Anne make me a mixed drink with Monster energy drink in it. After a couple of those, a couple of vodka shots and I think some henny, we headed out.
We ended up going to Pearl, which is a club I hadn't been to in about 3 years. It was literally ALL Asian in there. I wasn't sure if I was still in Boston or if we somehow ended up in Hong Kong. Anyway, we met up with a few of Kevin's muscle friends and I was forced to take like 20 pictures with them, with all sorts of poses and shit. I just stood there with a "why am I in this picture?" look on my face. I'm pretty sure those pics are going to be loaded up onto Facebook sometime soon and I'm not very excited about it.
I started drinking tons of red bull and vodkas to keep myself awake and before I knew it, I was pretty drunk again. One of the guys, Julio, wanted to hit up on 2 chicks, so I agreed to be wingman. He started dancing with this one tiny chick and I danced with her friend. After awhile, we decided to switch and I got the tiny chick. BIG MISTAKE. This girl was the worst dancer I've ever seen in my entire life. The DJ played a smooth hip hop "you can grind to this" type of song and she started shaking her hips violently like she was doing the hula-hoop. No rhythm at all. So I'm standing there with a "what the fuck are you doing?" look on my face and she just continues doing that. I stepped in and tried to slow her down to get her to rock to the beat but it just wasn't happening. After a few minutes of this I couldn't take it anymore so I excused myself and went to the bar.
The rest of the time at the club was mostly a blur. Danced for awhile, kept drinking, met a few people, etc. After the club, I peaced out Big Wil and crew and headed over to meet up with Steve-O and the snowboard people. We ended up eating at New Moon Villa. I met a couple new girls at the table, but I was way too tired to pull any game. I ate about 3 pieces of food, tossed some loot on the table, and told everyone I was going home. At this point, I had been drinking for 15 straight hours.
So I made it home, Superman dove into bed and passed out at around 4AM.
Unfortunately, I had to wake up at 9AM for softball, FML. We ended up winning 19-9, the team was functioning on all cylinders and then I came back home and slept the entire afternoon away. This is my life.
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