Thursday, March 12, 2009

Bernard Madoff goes to jail

This is the message that the court essentially relayed after Madoff pleaded guilty to all 11 charges today:

All signs indicate that he will be spending the rest of his life in jail. On the bright side, he's already 70 years old so he'll probably be dead in less than 10 years anyway. I would imagine that tons of the clients that he stole millions from are already in contact with hundreds of inmates, offering to pay them large sums of money to fuck this guy's ass back into the Stone Age. If I was one of the guys Madoff screwed over, I'd pay an inmate to fuck him in the ass, then make him toss the inmate's salad, the have him suck the inmate's dick, and finish him off with a tea bag, a dirty sanchez, then a donkey punch. Just for shits and giggles, maybe make him give the inmate a blumpkin as well.

Please no. Anything but the blumpkin!!!

If you aren't familiar with the terms I just referenced, then Google 'em. You will be pleasantly amused.

Also, if any of you are trying to figure out how to be more productive at work, why don't you take a look at this "work pyramid" and try to mimic it for your own good (courtesy of

Click on the picture if the font is too small to read.

You know, when I'm not working on a major project, this essentially is an exact capture of my work schedule. Wait, was I supposed to say that? Oops...


Anonymous said...

"You know, when I'm not working on a major project, this essentially is an exact capture of my work schedule"

I knew it!

Mr. Potato Head said...

Well yeah, but when I am working on a major project, I'm working a shitload of hours so it ends up evening out anyway.

Anonymous said...

What about the rusty trombone? I can get one of my dawgs to take care of that!