Saturday: Woke up around 7:30AM with the infamous "Nyquil hangover". You all know that feeling. You wake up, you have no idea where you are, and you are groggy for another 5 hours. Best feeling in the world. After breakfast, Jimbo, Frank, and I headed down to Riverside, RI for this year's Fantasy Baseball Draft held at Dodson's place (one of Jimbo's longtime friends). We showed up a little early because when we got there, no one was home. They were picking up food/beer for the event. I, unfortunately, had to take a leak so I walked around the corner to go pee in the bushes, but there happened to be an old lady sitting in her backyard looking at me. So I bit the bullet and waited the 20 minutes for Dodson to show up. After we got inside (and after I took an Austin-Powers-unfreezing-process-type leak), we set up shop, ate food, drank beer and got the draft started shortly before 1PM. For the record, there were Red Sox fans and Yankees fans all in the same room at the same time not killing each other. The Palestinians and Israelis should follow our lead.
The draft went pretty smoothly, and by "smoothly" I mean that there were some logical picks, some boneheaded picks, some people took forever to make their picks (ahem, Frank), and there's always the inevitable "trying to draft someone who was already taken over 10 rounds earlier" occurrence. I think that happened with me thinking that Brian McCann was still available in the 16th round even though someone grabbed him in the 5th or 6th round. Oops. One other thing. I was attempting to do a running blog of what was transpiring at the draft, but I just couldn't keep up with the material and make logical draft picks at the same time, so I had to scrap that idea. Maybe next time...
The draft ended at around 6PM, so it took about 5+ hours to complete this fiasco. That's about an average amount of time, considering there were breaks after the 8th round, 12th round, and 18th round (and it also seemed like a break everytime Frank was choosing a player). All in all, the draft was great. Good people, good food, good drinks, good times. Big shout out to all the fellas, but especially to Dodson for hosting it again, Cons for setting the league up and volunteering to write all of the draft picks on the board, and Frank/Jim for driving.
As a post-draft ritual (that I am somewhat new to), we decided to hit up Foxwoods to try our luck with the gambling gods. We got there right around the tipoff time for the Pitt/Nova game and watched most of the first half from the center bar inside the new MGM Grand section at Foxwoods. At halftime, we decided to walk back over to the Grand Cedar gambling area and managed to hop in at a craps table. Now I know what you're all thinking (or maybe this is just what I'm thinking)... How fitting is it that a person like me is playing a game called "craps"? Well, apparently it was very fitting because we all left the table (3 hours later) with a good chunk of change. I think the fantasy baseball gods consulted with the gambling gods and decided to make our day a huge success.
I forgot to mention that I was still sick the entire day, so in order to "cure" my sickness, I drank like 15-20 drinks at Foxwoods. I mean, c'mon, they're basically free so I had to. Plus, it's a great way to lose your senses and throw your money away at stupid bets. Dollar yooooo!
Like I always do, I passed out on the car ride back. When I woke up, we were in Chestnut Hill picking up Jim's car at Frank's place. To not be a complete asshole, I forced myself to stay awake while Jim was driving so that he'd have someone to talk to. Actually, I didn't really force myself to stay awake. I had to drop a massive deuce so the anxiety and uneasiness that was brewing in my pants is what really kept me awake. Plus, I sorta had the spins too from all of the alcohol. Jim finally dropped me off at home, after spending 15 minutes squeezing my asscheeks together, and I ran into the bathroom and almost pulled the trifecta of pissing, pooping, and puking all at the same time. For the record, I only managed to piss and poop at the same time, while dry heaving a couple of times. After I "unloaded", I washed up and went to bed, finishing off a solid day.
Sunday: woke up, watched Forrest Gump, made breakfast, sat on the couch all afternoon watching basketball, helped Jon vaccum the place, cleaned up some other shit, ate dinner, showered, watched Super Bad, then passed out.
click on my name to find out why you are sick.
I can take care of the bunnies AND bring you a championship! So get your own hot chicks!
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