From then on, reports indicate that this guy friend would send the girl text messages while they were both at the bar saying something like "let's meet in the bathroom at 12:45" and so on and so forth. Girl refused. Guy friend kept offering to pick girl up whenever their group of friends was going out, as well as offer a ride home from the bar. The girl repeatedly refused but tried to laugh it off so that it wouldn't affect the friendship. Guy clearly didn't get the message. During one drunk night, guy friend decided to call the girl as he was driving home from the bar. She was already in bed trying to sleep. She made the mistake of picking up the phone. Once she picked up the phone, guy friend asked her out on a date. Girl said no multiple times, but guy friend kept nagging her, so girl agreed to go on the date with the clear warning that "this is not going to go anywhere".
Well when it came time for their "date", the girl dressed really casually and the guy got all dressed up and clean and shit. Apparently they went to dinner somewhere but I can't remember where. According to the girl, the date was really awkward because the guy was taking it seriously, whereas she went just to appease the guy. Reports indicate that the girl asked the guy what he was doing after dinner (since she assumed it was just a dinner date and nothing more) and he pulled the "we're going salsa dancing!" move on her, to which she absolutely rejected. It has also been discovered that he pulled the "let's go for a walk" move.
Let's be clear here. These two moves (salsa dancing, go for a walk) are spontaneous suggestions that sometimes can work if THE GIRL ACTUALLY IS INTERESTED IN YOU. When she isn't, they fail miserably. Lucky for my readers, we have the most recent online conversation between girl and guy. Please enjoy.
9:29 AM Guy: what's up for the weekend
Girl: philadelphia
Guy: nice
9:30 AM Girl: u
9:31 AM Guy: none yet
Girl: what
Guy: probably chill
Girl: u have no hot dates?
9:32 AM Guy: lol
i'm lazy
i could
9:33 AM Girl: puahahaha
who's ur target these days?
Guy: no target
9:34 AM Girl: ah icic
9:37 AM Guy: what about you
any hot dates
Girl: no
9:38 AM i'm traumatized
Guy: how come
9:40 AM Girl: dates are scary
9:54 AM Guy: you make them scary
just relax
have fun
59 minutes |
10:54 AM Girl: ahahah
Guy: if a guy gives you a compliment...smile
10:55 AM body language is important
10:57 AM Girl: okay date guru
Guy: just trying to help
10:58 AM Girl: yeah i know
that date we went on was just a fail
11:00 AM Guy: ehh it was awkward for you
Girl: yeah
a lot.
Guy: i could tell
brb, meeting
45 minutes |
11:46 AM Guy: so what was awkward about it
i was half joking half serious
wasnt sure which way to go
but you made it easy for me
11:49 AM Girl: wha?
half half of what?
Guy: i approached it half serious, half jokingly
our date
11:50 AM in other words, i was gonna play it by ear
Girl: haha
11:52 AM Guy: so how did u feel
we havent talked about it
11:53 AM Girl: hahaha
u want feedback
Guy: not exactly
i think i know u felt awkward
Girl: yeah
it was not fun
Guy: and u wanted the night to desperately end
Girl: yes
if we're being honest here
11:54 AM then hell yeah.
Guy: lol
hell date
Girl: yup
Guy: i have no regrets
11:55 AM Girl: good for you
Guy: i know
carpe diem
Girl: im sure there are plenty girls out there
11:56 AM who would love to go on a date with you
Guy: same for you
11:57 AM Girl: the girls do love me.
Guy: lol u know what i mean
11:59 AM we cool now though right
back to friends
Girl: haha
we were never friends
yea we're fine
just don't smother me
12:00 PM Guy: i wont
it'll be like we never went on the date
12:01 PM Girl: haha
Some of my favorite lines from the girl:
In response to why she has no hot dates: i'm traumatized
Speaking about this attempt at a date: the date we went on was just a fail
Humorous sympathy: i'm sure there are plenty of girls out there who would love to go out on a date with you
Humorous sarcasm: we were never friends
Stiff warning: just don't smother me
Some of my favorite lines from the guy:
In response to why he has no hot dates: lol i'm lazy i could
Speaking about this attempt at a date: i approached it half serious, half jokingly. our date. in other words, i was gonna play it by ear
Dating advice: if a guy gives you a compliment...smile. body language is important
Admitting failure: i think i know u felt awkward, and u wanted the night to desperately end
False sense of pride: i have no regrets. carpe diem.
Cleaning up the mess: it'll be like we never went on the date
I don't even know where to go with one. I was thinking of doing a poll or just suggesting feedback or advice for this guy, but I can't make up my mind. So instead, I'm just posting this for enjoyment.
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