The good thing for the victim was that A) she didn't seem to be injured that badly and B) the hospital was literally like 20 feet away so all they had to do was wheel her into the ER, which took about 20 seconds. The bad thing for the victim was that A) she just got hit by a fuckin car and might have a broken leg and B) I am blogging about it right now.
The good thing for the woman driver was that... well, there's really nothing good about it for her. She just hit a fuckin pedestrian in a crosswalk. What a dumb bitch. She was either late teens or early 20s, probably text messaging her boyfriend telling him how much she wanted to suck his dick or something stupid like that. The bad thing for the woman driver is that A) she's a woman driver and B) she's probably gonna get sued for this. Regardless, this chick is gonna be scarred for life. I hope she loses her license. Dumb broad. STOP crying and START paying attention.
Now I'm not saying that men don't suck at driving because a lot of guys are terrible. But most women just plain suck at driving. It's a fact. It's a statement in which I have no evidence to support, but that everyone will agree on. Oh wait, I have evidence. Look at the fuckin picture at the top of this post.
Message to woman drivers out there: Leave the driving to us men and we'll leave the cooking and cleaning to you. Thanks.
kind of upset about this post... especially considering i do all of the driving and greg does nothing.
i wouldn't be so quick to blame our gender, but on how little it takes to actually get a license.
Holy cow, I didn't even know you read my blog! Anyway, I'm glad you decided to comment. My posts are meant to generate debate and discussion, but most of the time I don't receive any comments.
That being said, I still think most women suck at driving. Maybe you don't fall into the "most women" category, which is great for Greg haha. Also, to be clear, Asian people (men and women) suck at driving as well. Oh yeah, and blind people.
What kind of a man lets his chick do most of their drivin'? next thing you know, she'll want to vote too.
Hey kpoms, you need to dump the zero and get with a hero!
Andy, I didn't even know you had a blog until i saw the link from twitter! Just started reading it, quite interesting! I wish i could be so brazenly open.
To John Rocker:
So a hero would be a guy who does all the driving, but then wouldn't let his girl vote?
i'd rather drive and be able to vote, thanks.
Hey kpoms, how about you get back in that kitchen and vote me up a sandwich?
What is this world coming to?? Women can vote? Next thing you know they're gonna get rid of slavery.
alright, keep venting the anger at women because you clearly can't get any. just promise you won't end up like this douche.
Q: What do you tell a woman who has two black eyes?
A: Nothing. You already told her twice.
You mofo's are too hard on the girl!
Yo Kpoms, let me holla at you, lookin' good in that pic.
ya gonna let me tap that?
what, only desperate guys who live at home read this blog? no other women?
and no, i don't want aids ez-e.
Playa Hater!
Hate the game, not the player!
G's up, hoes down
Hey toots, technically everyone except the homeless lives at home.
Which is where you should be, cooking and cleaning for your man Greg, instead of out doing your fancy driving and flirting with gangster rappers on the Internets.
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