My cousin Justin alerted me to this gem. President Barack Obama wrote a book a couple years back called "Dreams From My Father" and was the official voice for the audiobook version. Apparently, he had a friend named Ray who spewed vulgarities as if it was his job. Barack Obama quoted him, verbatim, in his book. So needless to say, the audiobook version produced some amazing material since The President of the United States of America can be heard calling people "motherfuckers", among other things. Here is a link to the Barack Obama audio clips, which I'm sure will be manipulated in multiple ways in the near future.
My personal favorite: "You ain't my bitch, nigga. Buy your own damn fries."
ok ok, obama's officially NOT black...dude doesn't even know how to curse. I've never heard someone say 'motherfucker' and 'bitch' so unnaturally.
Hey Amit, there are white folks and then there are ignorant motherfuckers like you!
Amit, you can just kiss my big black ass!
I am comin' down ta whoop ya as soon as I zip up my shit here..
Amit, stop talking about my BOO like that!
Imma gonna 187 yo ass Amit!
"weren't you like a mailman's apprentice in that movie with Kevin Costner?"
Shut up bitch!
ok....minor correction - Obama's still not black but those who responded to my comment most certainly ARE (including the obaminator's wife, Mitchell Obama)
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