Tuesday, February 10, 2009

This just in... George Steinbrenner was on steroids

Breaking news. It appears that New York Yankees owner George Steinbrenner was on steroids from 1973-2008. Clearly, the evidence is there.
  1. Feuding with some of his players/managers over the years (roid rage)
  2. Flexing his muscles all the time (financially)
  3. Full of himself
  4. Huge head
  5. Loss of hair (we are discounting the old age factor to make this argument)
This is just the latest chink in the Yankees armor. Well, other than Chien-Ming Wang, he's a chink too hahaha.

And here's an update on A-Rod:

By the way, from now on when I have to apologize to anyone for anything I'm going to say "I was young. I was stupid. I was naive."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

leave George alone!

He was only taking it to recover from an injury sustained from wrestling Peter Gammons!