When approached by an SI reporter on Thursday at a gym in Miami, Rodriguez declined to discuss his 2003 test results. "You'll have to talk to the union," said Rodriguez, the Yankees' third baseman since his trade to New York in February 2004. When asked if there was an explanation for his positive test, he said, "I'm not saying anything."
That's his response? Really? Clearly, he's guilty because if he wasn't, don't you think he'd vehemently deny all accusations? See, this is the problem with all of these prima donnas. Their heads are so fuckin big (no pun intended) that they think they can do/say/act however they want without suffering any consequences. I hope he gets a STD from Madonna's dirty pussy.
Barry Bonds - ASTERISK*
Alex Rodriguez - ASTERISK*
Nice month for A-Rod. He gets called A-Fraud in Torre's book, then gets nailed for using 'roids. I wonder what's next? I can't wait for him to come out of the closet!
By the way, there's apparently 104 players on that list of steroid offenders in 2003. I'm not going to be naive and state that there aren't any Red Sox players on that list because there just might be some, but it's just funny that the guy who has the biggest contract, the biggest ego, and the smallest dick is also one of the biggest cheaters.
Other news:
I woke up hungover yesterday and somehow ended up getting invited to the Celtics game and sat in these seats. I'm kind of a big deal. I wasn't planning on drinking, but naturally, that happened. So anyway, the game was pretty damn exciting up until 20 seconds left in the game, down by 2 with the ball, we somehow turn the ball over, get called for a clear path foul (2 free throws and possession), then foul them again (2 more free throws) for a now 6 point lead. Game, set, match Spurs. So let me summarize. With 20 seconds left, we had the ball with the chance to tie or take the lead. Five seconds later, we were down by 6 points. Two observations from the game:
- Matt Bonner is pretty friggin nasty (he'd definitely become a fan icon if he legally changed his last name to "Boner")
- Roger Mason Jr. is Robert Horry 2.0 (younger and only more deadly because he looks similar to Charles Oakley)

I'm convinced that Charles Oakley, at one point, legally changed his name to Roger Mason Sr., had Roger Mason Jr. with "Mrs. Mason", then legally changed it back to Charles Oakley.
"That's his response? Really? Clearly, he's guilty because if he wasn't, don't you think he'd vehemently deny all accusations? See, this is the problem with all of these prima donnas. Their heads are so fuckin big (no pun intended) that they think they can do/say/act however they want without suffering any consequences."
Oh wait, you're not talking about me.
"By the way, there's apparently 104 players on that list of steroid offenders in 2003. I'm not going to be naive and state that there aren't any Red Sox players on that list because there just might be some,"
guys on the 2003 red sox that prob juiced - Kevin Millar, Nomar Garciaparra, Trot Nixon, Shea Hillenbrand & Jeremy Giambi.
And if i spell any of the above guys names wrong, bite me, i dont really give a fuck.
I'm not really surprised ARod juiced - nor do i really care. I just assume half of baseball juiced in that era anyways.
I need to set the record straight before I can go in peace. I juiced. All of the Yankees championships that we won were tainted.
Yeah, I took steroids as well.
Me 3!
No way. NOT Mill-AH.
Everyone knows he was here for his defense.
A-Fraud!!!!!!! I knew it! I fuckin knew it!
By the way, make sure you all sign up for State Farm Insurance!
I take viagra just so that I can get it up for FAT Jessica Simpson. Isn't that a performance enhancing drug?
Hey Tony,
How does Nick Lachey's dick taste???
Hey Jessica - how does my pussy taste???
Jessica and Crystal, both of your pussies taste like shit.
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