Monday, July 13, 2009

Who's the Bigger A-Hole? Version 2.0

Alright, well it looks like we have another set of candidates for a "Who's the Bigger A-Hole?" poll. As a quick refresher, you might want to read the Who's the Bigger A-Hole version 1.0 before reading this one. Like last time, I know both of these people and was given permission to use their emails for this blog. As a side note, please keep in mind that these two "A-Holes" have since patched up their differences but that really is beside the point. Do not let that affect your judgment at all. Let the games begin!

Background information: Person A and Person B are friends. They are by no means "best" friends nor do they really hang out with each other that often. However, both Person A and Person B are on the same email string together with a bunch of our high school friends. Person A got married a few months ago and Person B was not invited to the wedding (for reasons outlined in the email exchange below). Person A gets the impression that Person B is holding a grudge and calls him out after Person B's latest "snide" remark.

Unlike last time, I don't need to do commentary. I am just going to lay out the emails. Here is what ensued. Please keep in mind that every one of these emails is a Reply All to a group of 8 people...

Person A: Person B, while you're taking shots at me, how about you squeeze in another veiled whiny comment about the wedding. it's been a few days. or you could stop being such a baby. whatever works for you

Me: Someone please set up an octagon at (mutual friend's place) on Saturday night. I'd love to see the Person A vs. Person B match

Person B: no Person A, im gonna continue to be a baby.

Person A: yea that's what i figured.

A short time later...

Person B: I'm done making comments about Person A, I thought I was one of your friends, I was the only person you didn't invite besides (mutual friend), you couldnt of at least been like "sorry Person B I couldn't invite you".

Person A: i wasn't able to invite you, (mutual friend), (another mutual friend), some of my school buddies. only 1 person has been a bitch about it though, you. (Person A's wife's) dad gave us a can't invite everybody. most people get that

Person B: sorry didnt realize it would have been too much for you to have been like sorry I couldnt invite you.

Person A: so in your opinion i should've went to every person that i know that didn't get invited to the wedding and gave them a personal apology? okay next time i get married i'll keep that in mind. since we're such good friends, how about next time you have a problem with me you talk to me about it instead of talking behind my back and making bitchy comments. that way the whole email chain doesn't have to listen to this again.

Person B: i believe my comment was about what time (mutual friend's) race worked work for you, not a wedding comment. but fair enough next time you get married i'll expect an apology when i'm not invited.

Person A: and next time you have a problem with me i'll expect you to say something instead of being a prick on email for 2 months

Person B: Ok i'll try my best but being a prick is what I'm good at

Person A: at least we agree on something today

Me: Wait, am I allowed to post this email chain in my blog?

Other email chain member: yes, yes and FUCK YES!! HAHAH

Me: Alright, I've made the decision to post this email chain on my blog next week. Look for it on Monday. As always, I will redact identifying information so Person A and Person B will be known as "Person A" and "Person B". Thanks for the material guys, you've been great.

By the way, I heard that there was a $50 entrance fee to get into (mutual friend's place) on Saturday and he's charging $5 per beer.

Person B: Your an advertisement whore chan

Me: Person B, you are no longer invited to my future wedding.

Later on...

Person A: sorry to ruin the mood for all you ladies, but Person B and i made up. there will be no Person B-Person A matchup...

Person B: More like we made out. Good make up sex.

Other email chain member: BOOOO we paid for blood!!!!!!!

Me: Person A/Person B,

Do I have permission from both of you to post the email exchange on my blog, provided that I redact all personal information?

To be honest, I'm gonna post it anyway, but I figured I'd be fair and ask for your express permission first.

Person A: fine but i don't want to be Person A. i want my name to be Max Power

Person B: Only if I can be referred to as the guy with the really big penis.

As you can see, while both of their requests did have some merit, I chose to keep it simple and consistent with the Person A and Person B nicknames.

Time to vote

So who's the bigger A-Hole here? Is it:
  • Person A, for not inviting Person B to the wedding and not telling him why

  • Person B, for being upset at the non-invite and making "veiled whiny" comments on the email chain?
As usual, please vote on the poll located on the top right of the page.


Person A from A-Hole Ver. 1.0 said...

Hey Person B,

Why didn't you buy my invite? I was trying to get rid of it @ 2X face value.

Perez Hilton said...

Wow, Person B is gayer than I am.

Wedding Invitation said...

Hey Person B, am I late???

Veiled Whiny Comment said...

Person A, I'm looking for you!

Anonymous said...

Def Person B! Do you have to really bitch and complain. Sometimes not invited is better than invited. You know you have to spend money going to weddings! Also usually there is a limit. If Person A and his wife have a big family even some of their closest friends may not even be invited.

Anonymous said...

A by a long shot. Not inviting is one thing, not saying anything about it is another thing, a little communication goes a long way.

Anonymous said...

Person B is the A-hole.

Person A should not have to say anything. Chicks explain shit like this to each other - with men, a quick nod between rounds will suffice.

Person D said...

I am starting to think person C (Chan) only hangs out with girls! And if that be the case, and he is not writing about pillow fights in pajamas with accompanying video, then he is the biggest A-Hole!!!

Anonymous said...

It's the wife here...after hearing about this blog post I just had to read it for myself. I could say a million things right now, but I won't....I am just really speechless right now.