Please vote on who is the bigger A-hole in this situation (Person A or Person B). Use the poll on the top right to vote. Thanks.
Okay so here is some background information. Person A is trying to sell tickets to the Red Sox/Yankees game on June 11th and sends out the following email on June 1st (10 days before the game):
Person A: I'm selling tickets to upcoming Red Sox games. Please let me know if you or anyone you know is interested. First come first served! Thanks!
Thursday, June 11 @ 710pm
New York Yankees vs Boston Red Sox
Bleachers Section 37
Row 26
2 tickets for $200 or 4 tickets for $400
Apparently, Person B (through a mutual friend) responds that he will take 2 of the tickets so he and the mutual friend can go to the game. Please note that Person B is also Person A's friend. Please also note that it's pretty obvious that Bleacher seats are not $100 face value so Person B should know what he is getting into.
Fast forward to yesterday (the day of the game). Person B sends this email to Person A:
Person B: Hey Person A, I was just taking a look at the tix this morning on my way out the door and saw they're $26 each. Think you can be a little reasonable on the price...quadrupling your money on us seems excessive. I understand this is your thing and you've gotta make some money on them, but quadruple? Could you double your money and be happy?
Please keep in mind that this is the MORNING OF THE GAME, so it'd be hard for Person A to sell off the tickets if Person B re-negs on the deal. Person A responds with:
Person A: truthfully speaking, my price is very reasonable for sox/yankees tix since it's a rivalry game. i had these tickets listed online and took them down when (mutual friend) emailed me saying you guys wanted the tix. i make most of my money back by selling tix to the big games (ie. Sox/Yankees, summer weekend games, and playoff games) so when i send out a mass email with prices and seat info its so that everyone knows exactly what they are buying.
Sounds reasonable. Person B responds with this gem:
Person B: i hear you. i didnt realize the tix were from you, thought they were from (mutual friend's) work at face value, as he occassionally gets offered and forwards me...otherwise i would have done a little homework if i had any thought i was going to be price gouged. so def my bad on not doing my homework. u'll get ur full quadrupled price. can you give me an address where to mail the check? by the way, for disclosure purposes so it's clear, there's now a $50 entry fee anytime u enter my apartment and beers will be $5 each. but u shouldnt have to worry about it b/c u might as well delete my phone number and email address since i dont consider assholes my friends. this is me speaking, nothing to do with (mutual friend)
So here is the question: Who is the bigger A-hole?
- Is it Person A for selling tickets at quadruple face value to a friend, even though the price was clearly established beforehand?
- Or is it Person B for getting all upset and handcuffing Person A the day of the game?
Please vote on the poll on the right, thank you!!
Definitely person A.
I have been a lifelong loyal Red Sox fan, I have been going to the Fenway for years, supporting the team year in and year out. It didn't matter that they didn't win much back then, I was still a fan. Some of my fondest childhood memories were from the afternoons and nights spent at the old ball park.
But not any more. Every since 2003, and the arrival of "pink hat" fans like person A, I have been priced out of the park. I cannot afford to share my baseball passion with my children and the next generation of Sox fans because of soulless greedy bastards like person A.
I understand why the Red Sox must charge a premium, for premium seats - let's face it, the players are not playing for peanuts here. But the bleachers were meant for common, everyday, blue-collared fans like myself and my family - why must a person like A take that away from us??!!
Person A, you are just as bad as those greedy bastards on Wall Street who have ruined our economy and our country.
I hope your quadrupled profit fills that hole in your soul.
well it's hard to say because we don't know how person A got those tickets. Sometimes bleacher seats are promotional seats and can be obtained for free. For sox/yankee game people always take advantage of that and yank up the prices which is sometimes unfair. but we did win!
Person A is an asshole.
Definitely person B. This is like going on to Stub Hub and buying tickets, except you're friends with the seller.
Person B is an asshole.
Both A and B are A-holes.
Person A, would you like a job with my organization?
To B: Welcome to America... all ticket prices to the games are unreasonable. 'A' is exercising his right to make money and it doesn't matter where the tic came from, you gotta pay to be with the incrowd... You choose to buy without discovery and now you want to be a jerk because your dumb ass paid what you consider to much...
Person B is the A-Hole.
Not only an A-Hole, but a complete douche bag.
If he's a fan, we would know right off the bat that the bleacher seats are not $100 face value seats.
It's front runners like person B that makes the rest of the country hate Boston sports "fans".
Person A is the kind of person that I would give a firm kick in the nuts to.
Person A, you're the reason why the country is in the mess we're in. Damn dirty liberals who don't want to work to make a buck, and charge their FREINDS extra money for tickets to a ball game.
I don't blame Person B one bit.
As an organization, we strive to promote a fan-friendly atmosphere at Fenway Park. In order to field a competitive team, we also try to be as ticket-friendly as possible within the constraints of our budget.
That being said, we have started an investigation into the legality of this transaction as we feel that this was an improper resale of tickets which constitutes the act of scalping. We have obtained the identity of Person A from the author of this website and will most likely be following up with our lawyers to enforce upon this gross injustice.
To our loyal, face-value paying fans, we thank you for your support as we look to bring another championship back to Boston.
a man begs his new girlfriend to have sex with him and the girl says no. he keeps begging and then says "what if i just put in the tip" she says no but he keeps on begging and eventually she says yes, you can put in just the tip. when he puts in the tip it feels so good he just rams in the whole thing. she think the tip is in and it feels great. she asks the guy if he can put the whole thing in. he responds by saying no honey... i promised to put in just the tip and a deal is a deal.
the point of the story is if you make a deal, then a deal is a deal. bravo to man A. man b is a goddamn idiot!
Yo, person A, let me know if that bitch ass punk person B don't send you the check.
I'll shove that 5 dollar beer up his queer ass and make change!
they should meet over a little prison wine, clear everything up: http://www.thesneeze.com/mt-archives/000373.php
Person A is a Jew
Person B is the bigger A-Hole for being a dumb ass and trying to use last minute tactics to bring the price down. That's like car dealership bull shit.
It depends...does Person A or Person B like doing the Stanky Leg?
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