Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Told you it would be the last positive Yankee comment...

Wow, talk about major league baseball absolutely sucking Mark Teixeira's dick. It just so happens that Kevin Youkilis regained the lead in the All Star voting for first baseman according to the most recent update, and what does MLB.com do today? Yup, they get Mark Teixeira himself to be a guest on the site to do an online chat with the fans. And it just so happens that fan voting ends in 2 days. I don't know about you, but this clearly stinks of a push by MLB to get fans to vote for him. I mean, c'mon, it's the first story on the MLB homepage right now:

Click on image to view larger.

And this is the screen you get when you click into the page:

Click on image to view larger.

Seriously, this is a pretty fuckin pathetic attempt by major league baseball to brand Mark Teixeira into one of the game's biggest stars. I mean, yeah, he's pretty good, but let's stop sucking his dick already. Here's the link to the page where I took the second screen cap.

And here's the chat archive page link. Take a look at the other potential all star candidate that chatted on May 27th. What a coincedence! It was Ian Kinsler, the guy who's in a close race with Dustin Pedroia for the starting second base position in the All Star game. It looks like Kinsler had a pretty big lead (over 50,000 votes) about a month ago (coincedentally right after his mlb.com chat), but now Pedroia has caught up and is now only about 7,000 votes behind.

I'm claiming shenanigans as MLB clearly has had enough with the influence of Red Sox Nation. If neither Youk or Pedroia are starting in the All Star game, this will be BS.


David Ortiz said...

Come on now, they is tryin' to even things up for coverin' up my juicin'

Bitch Tits said...

If juicers were looked down upon, I would have been suspended.

Manny said...

YEAH! Hey wait..

Jason Giambi said...

I didn't get suspended...

Wait, isn't a trend developing here?

This is the punishment for jucing said...
