Monday, November 24, 2008

A Time of Thanks

Being that this is the week of Thanksgiving, I'd like to reflect on some of the things I've been thankful for over the last year. Please remember that this is the time of year where you can sit back, stuff your face with food, hang out with the family, drink tons of booze, and watch football. Come to think of it, it sounds exactly like what I do every Sunday, except for the "hang out with the family" part. Well anyway, you know what I mean. This is what I am thankful for (in no logical order):
  • I am thankful for my family, especially my parents, who have endured 26 years of yours truly. As you can see from my thoughts on this blog, I am a moron. Yet my parents are still proud of me and still support me (at least I think they do haha).
  • I am thankful for my friends: the Stoneham crew, college friends, my MD/VA/DC heads, sports friends (Dragonz, BB4L, eScription, etc.), and other people I've met along the way. Everyone knows I'd do anything for any one of my friends. All I ask is that you don't stab me in the back.
  • I am thankful for my health. In the past year, I have been injured more times than the rest of my life combined. I tore a back muscle, I had (and still have) inflammation of the cervical vertebrae in my neck, bicep tendonitis, rotator cuff problems, I broke my finger, sprained my left thumb and left big toe, and had (and still have) elephantitis. But don't worry about it. There are plenty of people who have it much much worse than I do, and it's times like these where we should think about those less fortunate and try to ease their suffering as much as we can.
  • I am thankful for my job. Everyone knows that these are tough times, and I am glad that I am employed in a somewhat stable environment. People who know me hear me saying that I'd like to get laid off so I can collect unemployment. Sometimes I guess it sounds great, but at the end of the day, it's a terrible idea. So I am now changing my theme from "I would like to get laid off" to "I would like to get laid". Thank you.
  • I am thankful for the people who are no longer a part of my life. Whether it be people who passed away or people I've lost touch with, I'm thankful that they were a part of my life. I've learned that the best thing to do is to move on and just cherish the memories of the people you have lost. Dwelling on it day after day just turns you into a cynical bastard.
  • I am thankful that I still feel God's presence in my life. Even though I barely go to church anymore, and I am a borderline alcoholic, and have a massive shitting problem, I still feel a higher power in my life directing me to become a better person. Sometimes I listen, sometimes I don't. The point is, I know someone's looking down on me even though a lot of times I'm not looking up.
  • I am thankful for Google and Blackberry for taking over my life. I am more dependent on you two than anything else in my world. This is pathetic, but at the same time, I don't think I'm the only person suffering from this.
  • I am thankful to be living in the city with my Godbro Jon. Not only is the place fantastic, but Jon is an okay guy as well (hahaha alright he's a little bit better than okay). It's nice being able to walk to and from work everyday. I enjoy eating out in Chinatown (there is no sexual connotation here), and I enjoy being able to walk to the bars/clubs in 5 minutes. It's cool living away from the parents because it has made me more independent, while at the same time, it has made me appreciate them even more. Dude, doing laundry, cooking, cleaning, going grocery shopping, and all that other stuff, is tiring as hell. I am never having children. Correction, I am never having "planned" children.
  • I am thankful for our troops, serving to protect our country's way of life. I know there is a debate on whether the wars are right or wrong and all that BS, but the key here is to remember that these troops are laying their lives on the line day after day and we should support them fully. Just try to think: when was the last time you laid your life on the line for someone else? God Bless the Troops.
  • I am thankful for being able to rush the ball in Madden '09. Don't mess with the Browns baby. However, I'm not thankful for my inability to pass the ball. By the way, we're starting a Madden online league for anyone who wants to join. We plan on playing a game or two per week, having a beginners division and an intermediate division, and just going from there. It's going to take some time to iron out all the details. Either leave a comment or email me if you are interested.
  • I am thankful for simple things like a winter jacket, gloves, a hat, a scarf, and even underwear. Without underwear, I'd be swinging like a pendulum. That was gross. Deal with it.
  • I am thankful for the food and drinks I will be consuming this weekend. As Fat Bastard said in Austin Powers: GET IN MY BELLY!

  • I am thankful for all the beautiful (both mentally and physically) girls in this world. You make my days much easier to deal with. I want to stuff you all like a Thanksgiving turkey. Yup, that was inappropriate as well. Oops!
  • I am thankful for Facebook. Not only have I been able to reconnect to a lot of people I lost touch with, but now my boss and superiors at work can see all the incriminating information/pictures I have on there!!! This is one of those "thankful/not thankful at the same time" viewpoints.
  • And lastly, I am thankful for people who come to my blog, either because they are interested in what I have to write or have nothing better to do at work. I've noticed that a bunch of people voted on the "Your blog sucks. I hope you die." option on the latest poll. This warms my heart hahaha.
Enjoy your Thanksgiving weekend everyone! Please enjoy the Thanksgiving song by Adam Sandler:


Anonymous said...

aside from the inappropriate remarks, this was a rather well thought out post. haha good job.

happy thanksgiving.

Anonymous said... makes me want to change my vote about your blog sucking! Have a great Thanksgiving!

Sew Fresh said...

you are funny! and i'm thankful for meeting you.

Justin said...

I am thankful for demon's blood. They restore your health.