Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas!

I know it's actually Christmas Eve, but I'm writing this post today because I'll be busy tomorrow. I got a big day lined up. Gonna go to church, then lunch, then watch the Celtics BEAT LA, then home depot, and maybe even Bed Bath & Beyond, but I don't know... I don't know if I'll have enough time.

I mentioned in one of my previous posts that Christmas sucks. I didn't mean that. What I think I meant to say was that the whole materialistic aspect of it sucks. Some people think that the spirit of Christmas is to go buy presents for a bunch of people. See, this is retarded for a few reasons:
  • It's a complete waste of money
  • People usually don't like what you buy them anyway
  • And if they do like it, they probably told you what to get them to begin with, so there's no suspense
  • Holiday traffic sucks my left nut
The whole point of Christmas is to actually spend time with your loved ones. So if gift giving is a small part of that, then it's okay. But if you're just giving people gifts and then peacing out, that's ridiculous. My point is, it's not about "presents", it's about "presence". Wow, that's deep. And yes, that's what she said...

I have written a poem/rhyme/whatever you want to call it about Christmas. Enjoy.

December 25th is a great time of year
It's Christmas! Everybody eat and drink beer!
Don't waste your money on a big stupid gift
Like the Wonderbra, this day will give you a lift

For my present, just get me a hooker, please

That or I'd like to see Ray Allen drop a bunch of threes

The Lakers are fakers, they are the Grinch

Being crybabies is the only title they can clinch

I want to throw a snowball at your head

I wouldn't be sad if DeAngelo Williams was dead

Red and green are the colors of this day

To all the little kids: Santa is not real! Okay?

Merry Christmas to you all! Make sure you enjoy your HO HO HOs!

Big shout out to the Stoneham heads who I saw at The Harp last night! Good to see everyone. No one has changed, it's fantastic.

Below, I've found the best Christmas song ever made:

I'm singing this at Church tomorrow!


Carlos Quintana said...

in short - mr potatohead is a cheap prick who doesnt want to spend money on other people.

Mr. Potato Head said...

correction: too lazy, not too cheap