Friday, February 13, 2009

Friday the 13th and V-Day

Well it's Friday the 13th, which is supposed to be a day of bad luck or some bullshit like that. I dunno, but my Friday the 13ths always seem to go off without a hitch. Whether I'm jinxing myself or not, I don't care. This day does not affect me at all. Uncle Sam seems to think otherwise...

In a weird twist of fate, it appears that the Bruins are playing the New Jersey DEVILS on Friday the 13th IN New Jersey (which is essentially "hell"). I hope New Jersey's goaltender is wearing a Jason mask.

Valentine's Day

Now I know that a lot of people are spending Valentine's Day with their loved ones. That's so cute. For the record, Valentine's Day is pretty stupid. It's as fabricated as Santa Claus and the only reason it was created was to help retail sales. See, I'm not against love. I'm against stupid spending. If you love someone, you don't need an excuse to show them you care.

Women, give your men sex regularly. Men, buy your women flowers and candy (or do other appreciative things) every so often "just because". Anniversaries have meaning. Birthdays have meaning. Valentine's Day has meaning as well: it means a bunch of people all have to spend a shit load of money on the same day for no god damn reason. In fact, if I'm gonna have to spend a ton of money, I might as well go to Centerfold's and shoot my Cupid love arrows at some strippers. Because seriously... there's no better way of showing love than by giving/getting lap dances.

By the way, if anyone of you love birds happen to get engaged this weekend, please tab me as the Best Man at the wedding so I can do this speech.