Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Who's the Bigger A-Hole?

Disclaimer: This is a horrible attempt at humor. You may be offended by this. Read at your own risk...

George Sodini, the anti-pussy magnet

In case you didn't know or weren't paying attention to the news, a guy walked into a LA Fitness gym the other week and killed a bunch of chicks, apparently because he had no luck with women. His name was George Sodini and here are excerpts of his blog, which basically chronicled his struggles with women and his plan to commit this massacre. Now, it's tough to argue that we could see this coming because there's no way we can tell how much traffic this blog was getting, but the writing is clearly on the wall if you read the blog posts. This guy was certifiably insane. Either that, or his luck with women is 100 times worse that Big Q's luck with his "lock of the day" picks. But the real question is whether he was just insane in general, or did he become insane because of the lack of pussy he was getting? Now that is up for debate.

Anyway, I need some participation on this one because this really brings up an interesting question: Who's the bigger A-Hole?

Is it George Sodini for committing mass murder since he couldn't get any pussy?


Is it all of the women who didn't give him any pussy, therefore causing him to commit mass murder?

Please vote on the poll on the right hand column. I'm going to hell.


I rejejected George Sodini said...

You ain't getting no pussy either!

JM said...

"On still another thought, I had 20+ years of sobriety and achieved nothing about friendships, girlfriends, guys, etc. Zilch. What a waste."

There it is right there.

Rick Pitino said...

I have no problem with the pussy. Only the extortion afterwards.

YogaMan said...

He should have learned yoga.